Your repurposed life | Marc Miller

A repurposed life is a fulfilled life. As we grow up our interests and personality change. We often feel that we have to remain in the same vocation or career because that’s what we were always taught. Did you realize Learn more…

Celebrate the amazing you! | Sandra Bravo

International speaker, Sandra Bravo, @SandraBravoTV shares her story of empowering women all over the world to find their purpose and passion. She also reviews her book, Amazing YOU! This book gives its readers successful tools and techniques to accomplish all of their dreams.

Your creative flow | Tracee Sioux

Tracee Sioux teaches you ways to find and keep your creative flow. The only person stopping you from accomplishing your goals is you.

Success: The destination or the journey? | Heather Havenwood

Radio Host, Heather Havenwood, @HHavenwood @heatherhavenwood shares how she lost her career after she was the top salesperson. She never gave up and with her entrepreneurial spirit became a huge success. It’s about the journey not the destination. Tune in to her radio show, “The Win,” where you will be inspired to achieve all your dreams.

Eating your feelings | Nicole Romanella-O’Neal

Blogger, Nicole Romanella-O’Neal shares her story of searching for the perfect diet. She realized that everyone says they’ll start their diet on Monday. Her story and blog will encourage you to change your mindset and not eat your feelings.

Truth to triumph | Lily Sanders

Circumstances and people will often tell us who we are or who we should become. When we are discouraged we often believe these lies and we become something we were never meant to be. The opposite of truth is belief. Learn more…

The formula for miracles | Brent Phillips

Society has taught us to only believe what our five senses experience. Miracles are now myths of legend and we believe we won’t experience them today. When you look back at science and technology you see that over the millennia Learn more…

Climbing your Mount Everest | Jamie Clarke

We all will climb our version of Mount Everest, where we feel like we can’t overcome a difficult obstacle or that there is no way out. When you stop and reflect on your life you will notice that what you Learn more…

Who let me adult? | Dave Colley

As children we often have an idea of how the world works. As we mature we realize how wrong we were. When you realize how much you’ve learned as an adult it helps you also recognize that there is so Learn more…

The 80/20 Principle | Perry Marshall

Many times we overly commit and find ourselves burnt out. Did you realize that roughly twenty percent of what you do has more impact than the rest of the 80 percent? When you invest too much of your energy in Learn more…

Living an anticipatory life | Daniel Burrus

Every situation you experience is an opportunity for you to learn and grow. When you ask yourself, “What am I learning about myself right now?” it gives you data to use for the next time you experience it. The more Learn more…

Emotional intelligence | Caroline Stokes

Did you know that you also have emotional intelligence? Often we think of intelligence as only being book smart, but there are technically 11 different types of intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize the nuances of your personality Learn more…

Today is your day! | Jimmy Nelson

We often look at famous people and think we could never be like them. When we think too far out in our future we often feel overwhelmed and think we can never achieve our goals. When you feel overwhelmed it Learn more…

Lead your life | Liana Chaouli

Lead, don’t react. Life is a series of events. Often we don’t realize that what we experienced an hour ago is still affecting us. When you practice self-check-ins it helps you recognize if you are holding on to something that Learn more…

Step out of your comfort zone | Andy Molinsky

Your comfort zone will always lead to mediocrity. Often we become comfortable in life. The goals we have often do not match up with what we are doing today. Many times our worst-case scenario fears stop us from even trying. Learn more…

Your perfect lifestyle: Guests – Eric Hicks and Liz LaRocque

Your quality of life determines your lifestyle. When you review your life there you will notice there are things that you wish you could change. Why can’t you? When you look at the quality of your life instead of the Learn more…

Change your perspective | Chad E Cooper

Your thoughts, or rather your perspective, determine what you feel. Your feelings determine how your body responds. When you slow down and realize what your perspective is in everything you do, you realize that you are wasting energy and aren’t Learn more…

Building self-esteem | Aimee C Teesdale

When we grow up our family and environment determine our worth and esteem. Circumstances will continue to dictate how you see yourself, but remember, an event is something you experienced, it is not who you are. Your thoughts determine how Learn more…

The power of self-compassion | Maryam Webster

When you have self-compassion you will live a fulfilled life. The majority of us would never be cruel or mean to strangers. We often will go out of our way to be kind to others and put other’s needs before Learn more…

Overcoming adversity | Rayfield Walker

Overcoming adversity turns a stumbling block into a stepping stone. Life happens. We all will experience things in life that will rock our world. In that moment it feels as if we will always experience the adversity and struggle to Learn more…