When it doesn’t make sense

Often life happens and it doesn’t make sense. We spend our time and energy trying to figure out what went wrong instead of now focusing on what we can control. When it doesn’t make sense, don’t focus on the why but now focus on the what next. #focus #life #choices #jamesmillerlifeology #wellness

Defining your Life Story

You determine your story. Regardless of what you’ve experienced in the past, you create your self-worth based on who you are becoming not who you were. #jamesmillerlifeology #selfworth #perspective #selfesteem #lovemyself #choices

The Power of Your Words | Shaun Rawls

Shaun Rawls @RawlsShaun talks about his book “F-It” Less, which teaches you how to reframe your thinking and choices to live a life by your design. ShaunRawls.com #theshaunrawls @shaun_rawls_85391a9 #words #power #choices #mindset #posistivevibes #entpreneur #perspective

Perspective after tragedy | James Arthur Ray

James Arthur Ray @JamesARay shares his story of finding perspective after tragedy. At the pinnacle of his career, tragedy struck and he was sentenced to prison. #perspective #inspiration #motivation #choices JamesRay.com

Episode 161: Your Life is Like a Jigsaw Puzzle

Life happens. Each event you experience is like a jigsaw puzzle piece. Each event is linked together to create the bigger picture, which is you. #perspective #positivevibes #inspire #inspiration #motivation #mind #wellness #jamesmillerlifeology

Being a resilience ninja | Allison Graham, Episode 2/2

Are you prepared for the perfect storm? You will learn practical tools and techniques to help you prepare for life happening. Did you realize that you can reset how you feel right now so later today you won’t feel the Learn more…

Choices During Tragedy | Jeff Johnston

Jeff Johnston @UndeterredDad reviews his book, This One’s For You: An Inspirational Journey through Addiction, Death, and Meaning that gives its readers hope when faced with tragedy. www.LivingUndeterred.com #ChoicesNetworkLtd #JeffreyJohnston #livingundeterred #tragedy #choices #hope #addiction #inspiration

Episode 160: What do I do now?

When life happens our thought is what do I do now? You’ve experienced the same emotions in the past. Simply repeat what worked for you and avoid what did not. #emotions #life #lifehack #healthy #lifestyle

Becoming Your Healthiest Self | Angela Legh

Author, Angela Legh # shares her story of coming out of an abusive marriage and how it helped her become her healthiest self. AngelaLegh.com #AngelaLeghauthor #author #marriage #abuse #change #healthiest #self #choices

Choosing Happiness | Wendell Miracle

Wendell Miracle @hopenuggets reviews his new book Have a Magical Day: 7 Keys to Living Happy Every Day that spreads an incredible message of hope, healing, and fulfillment during times of crisis. HopeNuggets.com @WendellMiracle #happiness #choices #lifehacks #life

Perspective after tragedy | James Arthur Ray

James Arthur Ray @JamesARay shares his story of finding perspective after tragedy. At the pinnacle of his career, tragedy struck and he was sentenced to prison. #perspective #inspiration #motivation #choices JamesRay.com

Authenticity Reawakened | Vicki Znavor

Vicki Znavor @vickiznavor reviews her book Authenticity Reawakened that teaches you how to understand your pivotal moments to help you live your most authentic life. VickiZnavor.com #authenticityreawakened ##authenticity #vickiznavor #life #choices

Discovering your Resilience | Richard Reid

Psychotherapist, Richard Reid @mr_charisma4375 teaches you how to discover your resilience and how to use it to overcome any obstacle you may face. www.PinnacleWellbeingMedia.com #Resilience #selfdevelopment #learning #choices #lessons #richardreid

Wendell Miracle – Have a Magical Day

Have a Magical Day: 7 Keys to Living Happy Every Day that spreads an incredible message of hope, healing, and fulfillment during times of crisis. HopeNuggets.com @WendellMiracle #happiness #choices #lifehacks #life #hopenuggets

Creating your Life | Aaron McCormick

Aaron McCormick reviews his book, Unbounded. It answers the questions you have regarding your future and how to discover what is healthy for your life. AaronMcCormick.com #TheAaronMcCormick #change #energy #choices #inspiration #Motivation #purpose #existentialism

Aaron McCormick – Unbounded

Aaron McCormick’s book, Unbounded, is a must-read. It answers the questions you have regarding your future and how to discover what is healthy for you. AaronMcCormick.com #AaronMcCormick #change #energy #choices #inspiration #Motivation #purpose #existentialism

Self-Responsibility | Elliott Robertson

Elliott Robertson shares his story of taking responsibility for his life. His book, Say Yes to Life teaches you how to live a happier, more fulfilled life. SayYestoLifeBook.com #ElliottRobertson #happiness #fulfillment #choices #life #success

Elliott Robertson – Say Yes to Life

Say Yes to Life: 7 Keys to Living Full Out From Within teaches you how to live a happier, more fulfilled life by creating inner harmony regardless of life’s circumstances. #ElliottRobertson #happiness #fulfillment #choices #life #success

Fred Stuvek Jr – It Starts With You

Fred Stuvek’s book, It Starts With You: Turn Your Goals Into Success is the instruction manual you need to accomplish all of your goals. #fredstuvekjr #FStuvek #leadership #success #choices #focus ItStartsWithYou.Net

Your authentic health | Dr. Gus Vickery

Dr. Vickery shares key points from his book, Authentic Health, to empower you to embrace new patterns for living and reclaim the good health that’s within you. #responsibility #choices #wellness