‘Am I safe being in public?’ For many, mass shootings make a sense of danger inescapable

James Miller was interviewed by @USAToday about the secondary trauma that many people are experiencing after increased mass shootings. #usatoday #massshootings #trauma #lgbt #clubq #guncontrol

The Three-Second Rule

Did you know that self-sabotage starts in less than 3 seconds? Learn this rule to move yourself one step closer to you accomplish your goals. #goals #selfsabotage #inspire #motivate #success

Faith versus Fear

Faith and fear ask us to do the same thing, believe in something that hasn’t yet come true. Which one do you listen to? #faith #fear #hope #perspective

Making Excuses

Many times we often make excuses for people in our life. We often “understand” why they are acting a certain way but don’t hold them accountable. Just because a person is struggling doesn’t excuse their behaviors. Stop making excuses for others’ behaviors. #excuses #relationships #boundaries #friendships #workenvironment #families #communication #enabling #dysfunctional

Wait With Expectancy

When you wait with expectancy you are continually preparing yourself for when a fortuitous opportunity arises. If you want your dreams to come true but haven’t prepared yourself, you will only be a dreamer and not a doer. Wait with expectancy. #hope #inspiration #motivation

Surrounding yourself with Eagles

You will become like the people with whom you associate.You can’t spend time with chickens and expect to soar with eagles. #entrepreneur #goals #motivation #inspiration #inspire #dreams #jamesmillerlifeology

Seeking Daily Opportunities

Daily opportunities are all around you. If you are not actively looking for them you will not find them. What are you doing today to see them? #opportunities #serendipity #growth #development

Closed Doors

When a closed door happens it doesn’t me that your dream won’t come true. It simply means there is a bigger and better opportunity around the corner. If you allow one person or situation to stop you how bad did you really want it? #opportunities #focus #perspective

The importance of expressing emotions

Did you know that your emotions are closely related to your physical health? When you express your emotions in a healthy way you improve your health. #life #hope #success #emotions #health #jamesmillerlifeology

Creating Self-Acceptance

What we tell ourselves determines our value and worth. Negative core beliefs often stop up from self-acceptance and limit future success. #acceptance #love #perception #corebeliefs #choices #jamesmillerlifeology #healthy

Getting your life back on track

We all have hiccups in life where we become distracted and derailed. If you stumble or fall you can still get your life back on track. There is always hope. #hope #future #wellness #inspiration

Forgiving yourself

We all have engaged in behaviors that, upon reflection we regret. The process of forgiving yourself may seem overwhelming, but is necessary to live a fulfilled life. #forgiveness #life #success #selfesteem #happiness #hope

Who am I?

The words people speak over you shape your life. Perhaps you had a parent, teacher, or friend who has encouraged you, and those words have molded you into the individual you are today. This can also work in the negative. Learn more…

When all hope is lost

There are times in our lives when we feel as if all hope is lost. When you get lost in the crisis and can’t see your way out it feels like you will always feel this way. There is always hope.

Emotional Forecasting – How Does My Future Look?

When we experience a negative situation, we often think that our life will remain the same. When you use your emotions to negatively forecast your future, your future will be bleak. #anxiety #worry #fear #hope #goals #jamesmillerlifeology

Mediocrity: The Dream Killer

If you’ve ever said, “There’s got to be more to life.” or “I can’t imagine myself doing the same thing over and over,” you may be living in mediocrity. Don’t let this be you.
mediocrity #complacency #thriving #growth #jamesmillerlifeology

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is one of the most healthy self-advocacy steps you can take. Boundaries keep you safe emotionally, physically, and spiritually. When you learn how to set healthy boundaries you can focus on living a joy-filled life. #communication #relationships #friendships #boundaries

Why am I so angry?

Anger is one of the six basic emotions, but when used in an unhealthy, reactive way there are 5 reinforcing anger payoffs that can destroy a relationship. #anger #rage #communication #manipulation #relationships #jamesmillerlifeology

When it doesn’t make sense

Often life happens and it doesn’t make sense. We spend our time and energy trying to figure out what went wrong instead of now focusing on what we can control. When it doesn’t make sense, don’t focus on the why but now focus on the what next. #focus #life #choices #jamesmillerlifeology #wellness

You Can’t Reject Me

Rejection is one of the hardest emotions to experience. We all have felt levels of rejection at some time in our life. Negative self-perceptions and beliefs already plague us throughout the day and somehow a stranger is able to make Learn more…