Reconnect in the first 2 minutes for success

How you initially interact when you reconnect with someone determines your success. The first two minutes are crucial when you reconnect or start an event. Research states that the ability to reconnect or join with another person in the first Learn more…

James Miller – Leaders On Leadership | Tremendous Leadership Podcast

Licensed Psychotherapist, James Miller talks about shaping our habits and how powerful thoughts are in our personal and professional growth. @TraceyCJones #loneliness #weariness #leadership #goals #healthyrituals #selfcare #physicalhealth #mindset #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #jamesmillerlifeology

Networking: Asking for a friend with James Miller

James was a guest on Social Capital Podcast where he teaches you practical and simple ways to network. JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com

Lessons from my Grandfather | Marc Demetriou

Each situation in life teaches us a valuable lesson. However, we often don’t stop and reflect on what we are learning. If our perception of the world is that it is always against us then everything we experience will reinforce Learn more…

Living an anticipatory life | Daniel Burrus

Every situation you experience is an opportunity for you to learn and grow. When you ask yourself, “What am I learning about myself right now?” it gives you data to use for the next time you experience it. The more Learn more…

Discovering your priorities | Ronald Recardo

Re-evaluating your priorities helps you live a successful, fulfilled life. When we were children we had ideas of who we would like to be. As we understood our place in the world those dreams changed. Unfortunately people often don’t realize Learn more…

Launch your dream | Tim S Marshall, Episode 3

In the first episode of this 3 part series, we discussed stepping into the unknown and breaking out of mediocrity. The second episode allowed you to face your fears. In this concluding episode, we will discuss ways to successfully launch your Learn more…

Using your past to heal others | Adele McLay

Life happens. We all will experience pain in our lives. It’s natural to grieve and surround yourself with those who support you. It’s vital that as you pass through your grief that you share your story with others. When we are grief-striken Learn more…

The Futility of Multitasking Interview with James Miller

James is a guest on Work-Life Brilliance podcast @brillianceinc and he explains what multitasking really is and how it gets in the way of your productivity.

LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 164: Self Sabotage

Self-sabotage happens in less than 3 seconds. We often focus on completing the full task as opposed to simply standing up and taking that first step.

Startup Money Made Easy | Maria Aspan

Maria Aspan @mariaaspen reviews her book, Startup Money Made Easy, which is exactly what you need if you want to start your own successful business, but aren’t sure how to start. #entrepreneur #startup #success #money

Celebrate the amazing you! | Sandra Bravo

International speaker, Sandra Bravo, @SandraBravoTV shares her story of empowering women all over the world to find their purpose and passion. She also reviews her book, Amazing YOU! This book gives its readers successful tools and techniques to accomplish all of their dreams.

Celebrate the amazing you! | Sandra Bravo

International speaker, Sandra Bravo, shares her story of empowering women all over the world to find their purpose and passion. She also reviews her book, Amazing YOU! This book gives its readers successful tools and techniques to accomplish all of their dreams.

Facing your fears | Tim S Marshall, Episode 2

In the first episode of this 3 part series, we discussed stepping into the unknown and breaking out of mediocrity. In this episode, we will be discussing ways to face your fears head-on. Your worst case scenario fears and what Learn more…

The 80/20 Principle | Perry Marshall

Many times we overly commit and find ourselves burnt out. Did you realize that roughly twenty percent of what you do has more impact than the rest of the 80 percent? When you invest too much of your energy in Learn more…

Success: The destination or the journey? | Heather Havenwood

Your success comes by the lessons you learn along the way. Many times we are so focused on achieving success and our goals that we don’t stop and learn the lessons along the way. Being so focused on the destination and not Learn more…

L #156 Don’t give up!

We often have hopes and dreams that we can’t wait to come to pass. But when adversity strikes or things aren’t happening as quickly as we think they should we often become discouraged and second guess ourselves. Find your self-encouragement, you are closer than you think. #encouragement #hope #faith #motivate #inspire #jamesmillerlifeology

Success: The destination or the journey? | Heather Havenwood

Radio Host, Heather Havenwood, @HHavenwood @heatherhavenwood shares how she lost her career after she was the top salesperson. She never gave up and with her entrepreneurial spirit became a huge success. It’s about the journey not the destination. Tune in to her radio show, “The Win,” where you will be inspired to achieve all your dreams.

Becoming a Leadership Superstar | Dr. Jeff Standridge

Dr. Jeff Standridge reviews his leadership book The Top Performer’s Field Guide that gives you specific tools to be a top performer in your industry. @Jeffstandridge #leadership #entrepreneur #performance

Mentor to Millions: Guests – Kevin Harrington and Mark Timm

Kevin Harrington #officialkevinharrington and Mark Timm #themarktimm review their book Mentor to Millions that pulls back the curtain on entrepreneurship and teaches you how to combine the best of business, family, and personal life. #Mentorship #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #SharkTank #family #business #business