Anything is possible! | Erik Seversen

We all have hopes and dreams that we would like to accomplish, but often we don’t attempt them either because we are scared or we were talked out of it. When we look at the world as a starry-eyed child Learn more…

Family Road Tripping | Rosa and Ben Ovadia

Family quality time has changed over the years. Prior to so much technology families didn’t have as many distractions. Family members may be in the same room together but they are not effectively interacting. When you create a specific event, Learn more…

Color preferences reflect your life experiences | Dr. Jacob Liberman

Have you ever had a stressful day and when you arrive home you take inadvertently have an argument with your spouse? The reality is, you weren’t really upset with your spouse, you carried your previous stressors  home with you. Often Learn more…

Emotional blackmail and the importance of vulnerability | Dr. Pat Williams

Emotional blackmail holds you hostage. We are all familiar with movies which depict someone being blackmailed for an act they committed. We often don’t realize that we do the same thing to ourselves and hold so many secrets inside of Learn more…

Adapt and thrive | Scott Eddy

James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio The plans we have for our lives don’t always work out the way we want them to. Many times we have to learn to pivot and shift our original plan into something that is viable today. Learn more…

Find your happiness | Vernon Brown

Vernon Brown @Whatsyourhappi
shares dedicated his life to helping others find their version of happiness. His life coaching business will inspire you to find your happiness. #Happiness #beliefs #choices #inspire #motivate #comfortzone

Wisdom from a Daoist monk | Monk Yun Rou

Monk Yun Rou’s @monkyunrou book Mad Monk Manifesto was inspired by ancient wisdom. It’s a tour guide to consciousness, a recipe for personal development, a prescription for environmental restoration, and a helpful handbook for social change. #wisdom #consciousness #universe #humna #benevolence #humanity #payitforward

Lessons from my Grandfather | Marc Demetriou

Each situation in life teaches us a valuable lesson. However, we often don’t stop and reflect on what we are learning. If our perception of the world is that it is always against us then everything we experience will reinforce Learn more…

Celebrate or tolerate? | Ken Foster

Ken Foster asks if you celebrate or tolerate your life.   Often we forget that we have a choice. We think we have to spend time with certain people or try and get people to like us. You may be Learn more…

Living an anticipatory life | Daniel Burrus

Every situation you experience is an opportunity for you to learn and grow. When you ask yourself, “What am I learning about myself right now?” it gives you data to use for the next time you experience it. The more Learn more…

Overcoming Self-Doubt | Shira Miller

Shira Miller is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, writer, and speaker who helps individuals overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs in all areas of their lives. She gives you simply tools and techniques that will help you live your life with confidence.

Sexual sovereignty | Dr. Saida Desilets

We all are birthed with the right to have control of what happens to our body, mind, and spirit. It is  your responsibility to self to set external boundaries with the people around you. Conversely, it is important for you Learn more…

Why can’t I stick to my diet? | Erin Wathen

When we were children we had to navigate our surroundings and figure out how to deal with strong emotions. This demonstrated itself through self-soothing behaviors. As adults we do the same thing, but, unfortunately, those self-soothing behaviors are not always Learn more…

Forgiveness during grief | Rahn Anthoni

Showing forgiveness during your grief allows you to fully heal. Unfortunately, we all will experience some form of grief in our life. The event will not make sense because we never would have done what was done to us. One of Learn more…

Accept diversity | Jason Dowd

When you accept diversity in others you grow and develop. We are all different in some way. We often use global labeling, a form of stereotyping, and think that one person who has “wronged” us is the representative of that Learn more…

Discovering your priorities | Ronald Recardo

Re-evaluating your priorities helps you live a successful, fulfilled life. When we were children we had ideas of who we would like to be. As we understood our place in the world those dreams changed. Unfortunately people often don’t realize Learn more…

Launch your dream | Tim S Marshall, Episode 3

In the first episode of this 3 part series, we discussed stepping into the unknown and breaking out of mediocrity. The second episode allowed you to face your fears. In this concluding episode, we will discuss ways to successfully launch your Learn more…

Self-Intelligence | Jane Ransom

Jane Ransom @TheJaneRansom reviews her book Self-Intelligence: The New Science-Based Approach to Reaching Your True Potential. She helps you understand that your brain continually rewires itself to help you move beyond any barriers you may have placed in your life. #intelligence #mediocrity #change #science #nueroplasticity #brain

Accept diversity | Jason Dowd

When you accept diversity in others you grow and develop. We are all different in some way. We often use global labeling, a form of stereotyping, and think that one person who has “wronged” us is the representative of that Learn more…

Creating Quantum Success | Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman @ChristyWhitman reviews her book Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for a Thriving, #Joyful and Prosperous #Relationship with #Work and #Money. This book is a step by step instructional guide for you to create your own success by working positively smarter, not harder. #lawofattraction