Michael Alan Tate – The White Shirt

The White Shirt is an entertaining parable and a career change guide book all in one. This book is a simple 7-step process to help anyone find a life-giving career today, and find it in a life-giving way. WhiteShirtBook.com #career #goals #aspiration #dreams #fulfillment #happiness

Anything is possible! | Erik Seversen

Erik Seversen @ericseversen shares how he forged a path filled with extreme adventure and extreme success. You will be encourage to dream big – Anything is possible! ErikSeversen.com

Your perfect lifestyle: Guests – Eric Hicks and Liz LaRocque

Your quality of life determines your lifestyle. When you review your life there you will notice there are things that you wish you could change. Why can’t you? When you look at the quality of your life instead of the Learn more…

Finding your voice | Kathy Tuccaro

Your voice is a powerful tool to keep you safe. As children our environment teaches us our worth and value. Often we learn that we don’t have a voice in our well-being. As adults we feel the same way and Learn more…

Renewing your sense of wonder | Michael Grandinetti

Magician, Michael Grandinetti renews your sense of wonder through magic. When was the last time you were “wowed,” – when you were amazed and felt a sense of wonder by something. It’s unfortunate, but as we grow, we lose that Learn more…

Eric Hicks and Liz LaRocque – Midlife Dreamers in the Wind

Authors Eric Hicks and Liz LaRocque are forging new paths for their lives, and with their book Midlife Dreamers in the Wind: Strategies for Manifesting a Freedom Lifestyle with More Adventure, Purpose, and Passion, they show others how to get what they want out of the second and third acts of life.

Kathy Tuccaro – Dream Big!

DREAM BIG! is a story of change through faith, courage, hope, and an unrelenting determination to push forward and attain your goals. Follow Kathy on her journey through the winds of change as she overcomes years of sexual abuse, violence, and trauma, as she deals with overcoming fear, loneliness, depression, and co-dependence. You will be inspired to overcome any obstacle you may face. Purchase it today.

Overcome limitations | Lisa Loving Dalton

Learn how to overcome limitations. We all have some form of limitation in our life. Some limitations are obvious and some are not. When you allow the limitation to determine the course of your life you will never reach our goals. Learn more…

Overcome limitations | Lisa Loving Dalton

Learn how to overcome your limitations? We all have some form of limitation in our life. Some limitations are obvious and some are not. When you allow the limitation to determine the course of your life you will never reach our Learn more…