Accessibility for the disabled | Rene Steelman

Help others experience full accessibility to the world around you. We are often so busy that we do not realize we are hindering a disabled person from thriving. Parking in a handicap space, using a handicap stall does not give Learn more…

Lessons from my Grandfather | Marc Demetriou

Each situation in life teaches us a valuable lesson. However, we often don’t stop and reflect on what we are learning. If our perception of the world is that it is always against us then everything we experience will reinforce Learn more…

Faith driven success | Isabel Hundt

Have you ever reflected on a decision and you knew you shouldn’t have made it, you had a feeling in your gut? Well that’s because we actually have three “brains” in our body. Your head is your logic, your heart Learn more…

Suffering ends when awakening begins | Robert Crown

Robert Crown reviews his book Suffering Ends When Awakening Begins which will inspire you and give you the courage to overcome any obstacles you may face. 

Focused determination | Carol Rosenberger

We all have hopes and dreams that we want so badly to come true. Well-meaning people can talk us out of those dreams and we will always wonder, “what if?” When you focus all your thoughts and energy on what Learn more…

Whole Life Challenge | Andy Petranek

Physical movement is one of the most proactive things we can do for ourselves. We treat ourselves to toys and clothes but often forget that the healthier you are the longer you can enjoy those gifts. Everyone has a different Learn more…

Single in mid-life | Hope Suis

Regardless if you are a quote good or bad person, life happens. It’s very easy to focus on what was instead of what is. When you can learn the concept of Radical Acceptance it helps you focus on what you Learn more…

Ditch your inner critic | Susan Peppercorn

As children we compare ourselves to our peers and often feel we are less than. When we become adults that sense of inferiority continues to plague us. When you recognize the difference between your ideal self and realistic self you Learn more…

The principles of honesty, integrity and transparency | Steven Kuhn

Each one of us have a dream that we would like to fulfill. What separates people from being successful is stepping into the unknown. When we are not authentic to who we are to be, we will live an unfilled Learn more…

Family Road Tripping | Rosa and Ben Ovadia

Family quality time has changed over the years. Prior to so much technology families didn’t have as many distractions. Family members may be in the same room together but they are not effectively interacting. When you create a specific event, Learn more…

The Ego’s Code: The truth behind negativity: Clayton John Ainger

Can you trust yourself? Are you consistent in the ways you respond or do you allow certain types of emotions to be expressed disproportionately? When you are consistent with how you handle certain thoughts or feelings, you can trust yourself Learn more…

Why can’t I stick to my diet? | Erin Wathen

When we were children we had to navigate our surroundings and figure out how to deal with strong emotions. This demonstrated itself through self-soothing behaviors. As adults we do the same thing, but, unfortunately, those self-soothing behaviors are not always Learn more…

More Love, Less Conflict | Jonathan Robinson

Author Jonathan Robinson reviews his latest book More Love, Less Conflict: A Communication Playbook for Couples.” It will help you effectively communicate and create more intimacy and trust in your relationship. #relationships #couples #communication #conflict #partner #strategies

The Power of your Words | Moe Vela

Their is power in your words. Many times we don’t realize that what was spoken over us a child still influences who we are today. The words you speak can either build up or tear down the people around you. Learn more…

Iris and Lily – Childhood templates | Julie Scipioni

As children we learn how the world works. The childhood templates we create become the foundation for who we are. Unfortunately, as adults those templates can manifest in unhealthy ways. When you struggle with something be aware of what your Learn more…

Sharing personal information | Anne Sugar

If you are blindsided in your life do you know to whom you would turn? There is a difference between sharing personal information with people because you want to tell them versus because you need to tell them. When you Learn more…

Self-encouragement | Jennifer Cohn

We all have hopes and dreams that we want to accomplish, but unfortunately, well meaning people can discourage us from even trying. The best gift you can give yourself is to self-encourage. What would you say to a friend who Learn more…

Sexual healing | Carolin Hauser-Carson

In life we will be blindsided by traumatic events. When these events happen we often keep the information to ourselves and feel like we can’t tell anyone. This is called emotional self-blackmail. You are telling yourself that people will think Learn more…

Relearn life lessons | Kay Sanders

Life will always give us the same lesson to learn until we finally get it. As children, we learned never to touch fire. Why, as adults, do we re-engage in situations or with people that, afterwards, we beat ourselves up Learn more…

The pragmatist’s guide to life | Malcolm and Simone Collins

When we are children we have ideas of who we want to become. As we develop we figure out what makes more sense for us. Your self-evolution has a common thread that ties your purpose together. Many times we don’t Learn more…