LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 172: Structure During Quarantine

During quarantine it’s important to create structure. Structure helps you focus on things that are productive and instead of your worries. Plan your day the night before. #motivation #quarantine #productive #mindset #inspiration #life #success #JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY® #positivevibes #goals #selflove #inspire #lifestyle #selfcare #stayhome #covid_19 #corona #coronavirus #positivity #productivity #goodvibes #home #mood #coaching #faith #successful #socialdistancing #isolation #selfisolation #staypositive

Put Happiness To Work | Eric Karpinski

Eric Karpinski @erickarpinski reviews his book Put Happiness to Work. This book lays out a step-by-step program that will help you generate sustainable happiness at work. #happiness #erickarpinski #performance #coroporate #teams #engagementn #positivepsychology #corporateamerica #emotions #productivity

In charge of your happiness | James Miller

James Miller was a guest on the Inspire Before We Expire Podcast #terrellsumpter where he shares we are all self-made people and in charge or our own happiness. #happiness #productivity #fulfillment #choices #healthy #wellness #jamesmillerlifeology

The Futility of Multitasking Interview with James Miller

James is a guest on Work-Life Brilliance podcast @brillianceinc and he explains what multitasking really is and how it gets in the way of your productivity.

Multitasking: Fact or Fiction?

James Miller licensed psychotherapist is going to explain if multitasking is for real; how to optimize the list of things we want to finish in one day or is multitasking just a myth? Less than 2% of people can truly Learn more…

Chad Cooper – Time Isn’t the Problem, You Are

Chad Cooper’s “Time Isn’t the Problem, You Are: Four Strategies to Transform Stress Into Success” reminds you if you’re not enjoying success, then it’s time to look in the mirror and ask “Why?” The answer is probably staring right back at you. You’re probably the reason you haven’t achieved your dreams. Purchase it today.