Divine Trust | Dr. Nancy Wiley

Dr. Nancy Wiley @DrNancyWiley1 talks about her book Divine Trust which teaches you how to live with peace regardless of your circumstances. TrustTheDivine.com #divinetrust #divine #drnancywiley1, #trust #hope #guns #schoolschooting #douglasshooting #parklandshooting #parkland

Honky Tonk Angels | Bernie Nelson

Country Music legend Bernie Nelson @nelson_bernie talks about his book Honky Tonk Angels, which shows how divine intervention helped inspire the most famous country songs. BernieNelson.com #bernienelson #countrymusic #divineintervention #angels #nashville

Unlocking Your Conscience | Leonard Perlmutter

Leonard Perlmutter @AMImeditation reviews his book Your Conscience: The Key to Unlock Limitless Wisdom and Creativity and Solve All of Life’s Challenges. www.YourConscience.org

Nothing In Your Life is Wasted | Dennis Welch

Grammy-award-songwriter shares what inspires him as he wrote his latest album What Love Makes Us do. Welch-Words.com #denniswelch #grammywinner #songwriter #countrymusic #purpose #mindset #writer #hope #gallup #publicist #publicity #music #jamesmillerlifeology, #faith #divineappointmnets #composer #composition #joy #positivevibes #focused #determination

Ask! The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny | Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen

Crystal @crystalvision and Mark Victor @MarkVHansen talk about their latest book ASK that helps you bridge your dreams and your destiny. AskTheBookClub.com #life #love #Inspiration #Dreams #Divine #Chickensoupsoul #Chickensoupforthesoul #goals #entrepreneur #mindset #success #motivation #believe #chickensoupforthesoul #loveyourself #positivity #selflove #positivevibes #passion #happiness #dreambig #soul #spiritualawakening #universe #consciousness #JamesMillerLifeology

Miracles Around You | Christine Morci

Tv Producer, Christine Morci talks about her new hit tv show Miracles Around You that inspires you that miracles happen all around you. MIraclesAroundYou.tv #inspiration #motivation #donnieandmarie #nathanosmond #jamesmillerlifeology #miraclesaroundyou #miracles #lawofattraction #synchronicity #divineintervention #hope #celebrities #miraclesaroundyou

Dr Anna Gatmon – Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World

Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World perfectly bridges spiritual beliefs and the material world of everyday life. Purchase it today.

Daily opportunities | Richard Hack

Multi-award winning author, Richard Hack shares his story of continuously looking for opportunities throughout his career. He encourages you to always look for something new in your day.