From Grief to Legacy | Michaela Foster Marsh

Michaela Marsh shares her story of creating a legacy from the loss of her brother and starting a charity in Uganda. #fostercare #Uganda #charity #legacy #inspiration @foster_marsh #SingerSongwriterAuthor #michaelafostermarsh

Giving to others | Madelyn Victoria

Giving to others makes you healthier. We all remember the people who impacted us when we were younger. Their loving interactions shaped who we are today. Did you know that you also influence the people around you? If you aren’t able to Learn more…

Discovering talents you didn’t know you had: Guest: Sylvia G

We often look at others and think they are more talented and then feel insecure when we compare ourselves to them. Often people become too busy and forget their hobbies and previous interests which then creates a sense of mediocrity. Your hobbies are Learn more…