Overcoming Fear | Larry Doochin

Author Larry Doochin, reviews his book, A Book On Fear which creates a heartfelt methodology to help you overcome your fears and bad memories. abookonfear.com/ #fear #memories #abuse #safe #larrydoochin #abookonfear #psychology #mindfulness #awareness #universe

Healing Trauma through Weightlifting | Laura Khoudari

Trauma-informed, personal trainer, Laura Khoudari @laurakhoudari shares how weightlifting can help heal those who have experienced trauma. LauraKhoudari.com #laurakcpt #trauma #weighlifting #exercise #safe #personaltrainer #positivevibes #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #wellness

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is one of the most healthy self-advocacy steps you can take. Boundaries keep you safe emotionally, physically, and spiritually. When you learn how to set healthy boundaries you can focus on living a joy-filled life. #communication #relationships #friendships #boundaries

Protecting Others | Jaguar Security and Investigations

Maher Husseini, @JaguarSecurity5 owner of Jaguar Security and Investigations, shares how his company continues to protect all those in need. JaguarProtection.com. #Jaguarsecuriyandinvestigations #safety #privateingestigation #security #JaguarSecurity