Turns: Where Business is Won and Lost | Steve McKee

Steve McKee @stevemckee discusses his book Turns: Where business is won and lost, which connects the dots between the readers’ past and present and affects their company’s well-being and success. McKeeWallwork.com #businessdevelopment #business #choices #leadership #leadershipdevelopment

31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles | Tracy Repchuk

Tracy Repchuk @tracyrepchuk talks about her book 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing which teaches you how to have the masses hear your message. FastActionResults.com #marketing #success #entrepreneur #business #marketingstrategies #businessdevelopment #entrepreneurship #businesscoach #sales #growyourbusiness #businessgoals #digitalmarketing #businessowner #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

Negotiation as a Martial Art | Cash Nickerson

Cash Nickerson @cashnickerson talks about his book Negotiation as a Martial Art, which teaches you to develop a negotiation style where you get what you want and people will continually want to work with you. CashNickerson.com #negotiation #Listening #Business #Martialart #motivation #martialarts #conversation #communication #listening #speaking #work #goals #success #business #entrepreneur #Businessdevelopment #leadership #businessadvice #businessgrowth