Liana Chaouli – YOU Are a Masterpiece

Our clothing choices reflect our level of self esteem. How we dress, the ease with which we move through our lives and how we connect with others – all of this is influenced by the our wardrobe choices. The more we know and understand our true selves, the wiser our choices and the more authentically we step into our lives. Welcome to the world and experience of Image Therapy!

Be the change agent | Ron Carucci

Do you know how to be an effective change agent? Did you know that you are going to grow and develop whether you want to or not? Life is always changing. You can either be proactive and become who you Learn more…

Take responsibility | Scott Schmaren

When you take responsibility it will help you live a fulfilled life. We are all self-made individuals. The choices we make today are the foundation for tomorrow’s success. Often we’ve trained ourselves to go on auto-pilot and respond to life Learn more…

Take responsibility | Scott Schmaren

When you take responsibility it will help you live a fulfilled life. We are all self-made individuals. The choices we make today are the foundation for tomorrow’s success. Often we’ve trained ourselves to go on auto-pilot and respond to life Learn more…