L #142 – Taking things personally

Many times we take things personally. When we are already stressed out about certain things in our life we often personalize events that have nothing to do with us. We think a friend is deliberately trying to annoy us, or Learn more…

L #147 – Self-Encouragement

One of the most difficult things we can struggle with is learning how to self-encourage. We may be struggling in certain situations but feel discouraged, as if nothing is going to change. When we are children we played the game Learn more…

L #1 – Perception, Thoughts, Emotions, Actions

Often we don’t realize how quickly these 4 things run together in such quick succession that we react in a way that, later, we don’t understand what “got into us.”  This video will give you insight into ways to be Learn more…

L #129 – Gossiping

Are you known for your gossiping? In every situation we have a chance to gossip about our peers. You have a choice are you like a bucket of water or a flamethrower? Do you douse the gossip or do you Learn more…

L #137 – Are you problem or solution focused?

Anytime a negative event happens in our life we have a choice. Do we focus on the problem and everything that is going wrong or do we focus on finding a solution. Many people don’t realize that if they focus on Learn more…

L #117 – Conform to others’ expectations?

Do you conform to the group norm or are you true to yourself? Your voice is specifically designed for you. You will never truly be happy when you conform to others’ way of doing things. Visit www.JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY.com to listen to Learn more…

L #104 – If they left you, let them go

After we experience a traumatic heartbreak we often get stuck. We can internalize the breakup in a way that makes us feel like we weren’t good enough. Visit www.JamesMillerLIfeology.com to subscribe to LIFEOLOGY® Radio as well as enroll in the Learn more…

L #141 – Giving your opinion

In most situations we will have an opinion. It’s natural that we will give our opinion to our friends or even speak up about something we feel strongly about. However, it’s always important to remind yourself, just because you have Learn more…

L #133 – Focusing on yesterday

Focusing on yesterday | Sometimes we beat ourselves up for what we did yesterday. When we focus on yesterday it takes away from what we need to do today. Think of your life like you are driving a car. When you focus on the windshield instead of focusing on the rearview mirror you will see that there is so much more in front of you. #past #concious #awareness #goals

L #106 – Relationship Accountability

In order for your relationship to thrive and develop its vital that all your behaviors keep the relationship afloat. Who you are when you are single should not be the person you are when you are in a relationship. Visit www.JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY.com Learn more…

L #116 – Overcoming the Holiday Blues

The Holiday Blues can be a depressing, lonely time for some. When you can plan out your day and be proactive of how you are going to spend it, even if it’s by yourself, it helps you get out of Learn more…

L #122 – Inspiring the people around you

We have the ability to inspire the people around us without even being aware of it. People are always watching. What are you doing to change your environment and make it better? Visit JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com to listen to the latest LIFEOLOGY® Radio Learn more…

L #118 – Being Overly Sensitive

Being overly sensitive can often be due to exhaustion. It’s necessary for you to review your upcoming day. If you know, historically, you are going to be tired then build in self-care right after the exhaustive event so you can Learn more…

L #113 – It’s not you, it’s me

Just like the phrase we hear in a break up, it’s not you, it’s me, we often focus on other people’s behaviors but don’t take the time to figure out how we contributed to the situation. Focusing on yourself and Learn more…

L #144 – The gift of patience

Anytime you have a spike in your emotions you are more than likely not experiencing patience. We always have a chance to practice this virtue, but often we get lost in our perception and don’t realize that we are lacking Learn more…

L #140 – Imaginary arguments

Often we think about a past or future event and we create imaginary conflicts or arguments with people. We get ourselves worked up about what we think their response will be and then we ratchet up our rebuttal until we Learn more…

L #131 – I don’t have to worry about that now

We often struggle with staying present in the moment. Learning how to filter your thoughts and decisions through this key phrase: “Do I have to do that now?” Will help you focus on what is in front of you in your present and not worry about tomorrow. #worry #anxiety #peace

L #105 – Overcoming childhood wounds

We all have experienced events that wound and influence our lives. As an adult you have an opportunity to help heal that younger version of yourself. The childhood wounds from your past don’t have to affect you today. Listen to Learn more…

L #130 – Discipline vs Compromise

When we are trying to make healthier choices we often don’t realize how easily it is to compromise. We may make an impulsive decision to do something which leads to another compromised decision and the snowball effect happens. When you Learn more…

L #108 – Giving grace to others

It’s often easy for us to talk about others even though we, too, have engaged in unhealthy behaviors. Give grace to others because you may need it yourself one day. Visit www.JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY.com to listen to the latest radio episodes. Also, Learn more…