LIFEOLOGY® | Episode 180: How do you Describe People?

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Many of us are not racist and are against people who are treated in a certain way. However, we often make pejorative comments or use a pejorative label when we describe a person.

The word pejorative means – a word expressing contempt or disapproval.
How do you describe people?

When you talk about that person, what is the descriptive characteristic you use about them? Why would you choose that particular word choice? For example, when you describe someone, do you say, “that fat person, that ugly person, that poor person, that gay person, that Christian, that black person, that white person?”

Stop and reflect on why you continue to use a particular descriptive word about someone or a group of people. How do you feel about that actual word or description? When you take a moment of reflection, you may be surprised that you have a negative feeling about that descriptive word. Unfortunately, that then translates to how you feel about that person or the group of people

Remember, if the person would be offended or their feelings would be hurt if you said that in front of them, more than likely, it’s a pejorative comment.
The more awareness you have in how you describe people, the more you can change your perception about them.

Try describing people differently today. You’ll be surprised at the new ways in which you will see the world.

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