Remembering your dreams | Cheryl Bannerman

Do you remember the dreams you used to have? When we were younger we had hopes and dreams for our lives. Unfortunately, life happened. For many of us those hopes and dreams are in the past; we’ve settled for mediocrity Learn more…

Remembering your dreams | Cheryl Bannerman

Do you remember the dreams you used to have? When we were younger we had hopes and dreams for our lives. Unfortunately, life happened. For many of us those hopes and dreams are in the past; we’ve settled for mediocrity Learn more…

Remembering your dreams | Cheryl Bannerman

Do you remember the dreams you used to have? When we were younger we had hopes and dreams for our lives. Unfortunately, life happened. For many of us those hopes and dreams are in the past; we’ve settled for mediocrity Learn more…

Cheryl Bannerman – Words Never Spoken

Words Never Spoken, a book of Spoken Word, is a never before seen, unique, chapter- and story-driven, fictional book of spoken word. It is a book that touches on the deepest personal issues today, It is book of self-improvement and self-help with lines for journal entries to hold the reader’s deepest thoughts. Purchase it today.