TrustED: The Bridge to School Improvement | Dr Toby Travis

Dr. Toby Travis @TobyATravis talks about his book “TrustED: The Bridge to School Improvement.” which reminds educators and parents that trust is the key component for healthy, successful learning. #school #education #student #success #kids #teaching #community #learning #study #educator #schoollife #edleaders #elementaryschool

Allen Klein – Secrets Kids Know…

Humorous Keynote Speaker and Therapeutic Humor Expert, Allen Klein’s latest book, Secrets Kids Know…that Adults Oughta Learn: Enriching Your Life by Viewing It Through The Eyes of a Child, is now available for purchase on and on

This great new book uses humor and anecdotes to help adults see the world through the eyes of a child – honest, sincere, and wide-eyed, to tackle life’s modern issues.

Purchase it today.