Spiritual Awakening | Christine Breese

Spiritual Leader, Christine Breese @christinebreese shares her wisdom regarding what it means to be spiritual and the importance of spiritual leadership. MetaphysicsUniversity.com, GaiSagrada.com, FreeRetreats4All.com #spiritual #universe #spirit, #leadership #metaphysical #ChristineBreeseHeart

Self-Ascension: Guests – Sri and Kira

Sri and Kira @sriandkira teach you ways to live consciously as well as ways to ascend to the next level of self-development and live a life by your design. #sriandkira #selfascension #yoga #ego #spirit #mystics #mantra #OfficialSriandKira

Creating a Magnificent Life | Gabriela Masala

Gabriela Masala @onelovealliance reviews her book Everyday Magnificent. This book is designed to be a 90-day journey to lead you in co-creative, superconscious exercises that unleash your inner power to create your magnificent life. #consciousness #mandala #inspiration #spirit #soul GabrielaMasala.com