Your luminous life | Dr. Jacob Liberman

Clarity is something for which we all strive. The connection between your spirit, mind, and body helps you live a life that is filled with purpose. When you allow your whole being to find a harmonious rhythm if helps you Learn more…

Your luminous life | Dr. Jacob Liberman

Clarity is something for which we all strive. The connection between your spirit, mind, and body helps you live a life that is filled with purpose. When you allow your whole being to find a harmonious rhythm if helps you Learn more…

Dr. Jacob Liberman – Luminous Life

Dr Jacob Liberman’s latest book, Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living, is now available for purchase at amazon or in the store at JamesMillerLifeology. This is an essential book to help you realize the importance of light and how it will help you live a fulfilled life. Purchase it today. Purchase it today.