Optivida Health Supplements | Frank Davis

Frank Davis of Optivida Health @optividahealth talks about his supplement line and proves its potency and efficacy with patented technology. www.OptividaHealth.com #supplements #frankdavis #glucoselevels #multivitamins

The Life of a BioHacker | Melanie Avalon

Melanie Avalon @melanieavalon talks about her life as an actress turned biohacker and gives you techniques to improve your health and vitality. MelanieAvalon.com #biohacking #supplements #magnesium #acting #intermittentfasting @redheifermedia

The Life of a BioHacker | Melanie Avalon

Melanie Avalon @melanieavalon talks about her life as an actress turned biohacker and gives you techniques to improve your health and vitality. MelanieAvalon.com #biohacking #supplements #magnesium #acting #intermittentfasting @redheifermedia

BiOptimizers Nutrition – Supplements | Wade Lightheart

All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion, and Director of Education at BiOptimizers Nutrition, Wade T LIghtheart, shares 4 powerful supplements that will revolutionize and greatly improve your digestive system. BiOptimizers.com

BiOptimizers Nutrition – Supplements | Wade Lightheart

All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion, and Director of Education at BiOptimizers Nutrition, Wade T LIghtheart, shares 4 powerful supplements that will revolutionize and greatly improve your digestive system. BiOptimizers.com