You have a choice | James Muller

In every situation we have a choice to decide how we are going to handle it. There is an immediate reaction but after that reaction we have a choice to decide how long we will continue to experience the initial reaction. If I startle you, you aren’t going to be scared for an hour; you unconsciously decide not to be fearful. It’s the same thing in life. We all have a choice to reframe any situation to live a proactive life instead of a reactive one. No one can make you feel a certain way.


Author and Extradition Expert, James Muller, shares his powerful story of how he was falsely accused of murder and was extradited to Thailand to stand trial. He won the trial but was continually accused and subsequently, was tortured and imprisoned for many years. He shares his ability to focus on his thoughts and ways he overcame this experience. You may purchase James’ book, I cannot fail at For more information about James visit:

James Muller – I cannot fail

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